Saturday, December 28, 2013

Ho Ho Ho!

Well, Christmas has come and gone, and so has my money! My Christmas present to myself was my super fancy (to me) DSLR camera. I got the Canon Rebel EOS T3i - definitely an entry-level but totally capable DSLR. It came with a standard 18-55mm kit lens, but I'm planning on upgrading to the EF 50mm lens in either the the f/1.8  or the f/1.4 depending on how rich I'm feeling. So far, I'm pretty much a noob. My husband keeps hogging it because he actually has some working knowledge of how to use such a fancy camera, but I have taken control of the editing process so maybe we make a good team after all. For those of you that use Photoshop Elements, you know all about actions. I am obsessed. They're easy to use and give your photos that professional look that amateurs always drool over. So far, I've only dabbled in the free ones... I ain't no profesh. But I did find a million awesome ones at The CoffeeShop Blog.

Snow day in SLC! 

Oh how Dexter wishes he was off leash...

My husband's adorable cousins at his family's Christmas Progressive Dinner. 

Mat was practicing with filters on our camera. He's so artsy fartsy.
More artsy fartsy from Mat... ahem, Mathew Raymond Photography. 

Christmas morning with Mat & his sister Alli.

By the way, here is the best post-Christmas pin I wish I would've seen pre-Christmas. And, be sure to check out your local craft stores. I know Michael's and Hobby Lobby have awesome sales post-Christmas!

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