Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Taylor's Photoshoot

As you know, my husband and I recently got a Canon DSLR camera. I swear to you, he is a camera-hog. He happens to know more than I do about DSLR's (or actually... any camera). I really am trying to learn and I'm not 100% sure he's on board. In fact, I just decided. He's not on board. But that's okay because I actually enjoy the editing process more.

We recently went to visit my family in gorgeous Oregon where we decided to practice on my little sister who is a senior in HS. Her fake senior photo shoot was pretty bomb.

Mat's Fave

LOVE this one.

Yes. I know. She's a beaut. These pictures don't even do her justice. Check out her REAL senior photos here! The fun part about having a nice camera is the editing process (at least for me). Plus there are sooooo many resources on Pinterest to at least help you come out with decent (maybe not profesh) pics.

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